On Instant Replay

It seems to me that I’m seeing a lot of articles online in favor of instant replay but I personally know very few baseball fans who like the idea. 

Maybe I’m hanging out with wrong crowd. 

I share the same sentiments with Scot from Coffeyville Whirlwind who has a thoughtful article on the subject

I am willing to be proven wrong, but it all just doesn’t seem worth it at this point. For a handful of correct home run calls a season, baseball fans and players will be subject to delays, technology problems, and arguments over replay usage.

Indeed, with MLB’s rush to fast track this out (in response to a couple bad calls in a relatively wide span of games), the cynical side of me just makes me wonder, "what is their real agenda?".

Looks like Cubs manager still isn’t toeing the company line yet.  Though to be accurate, he isn’t fully up on how it works.  He’s the first to admit it though. 

Via the Chicago Trib:

Piniella laughed and said it "could turn into a little bit of a fiasco initially" because it hasn’t been fully explained.  "Do you throw out a red handkerchief or something?" Piniella said, laughing. "What’s the format? What do you do? I’d love to be able to throw a red hanky or a green hanky on the field. Can you imagine being able to throw something on the field and you can’t be ejected? Nobody has told us anything. I think we should be schooled on it somehow."

One more reason, if we really have to use it, to wait till next season so team personnel can be educated on its use. 

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