Hillenbrand is Dr. Dolittle

shea This story was first reported in June’s Phoenix Magazine, about Shea Hillenbrand. No, the former big league star is not attempting a comeback, he’s practicing giving back, which is much more important. In 2007 Shea & his wife Jessica started Against All Odds, a non-profit group, which takes care of more than 150 rescued & rehabilitated animals, ranging from emus to a zonkey (cross between a zebra & a donkey). They have more than 50 animals at their own house, including kangaroos and miniature cows. They bring kids’ groups out to interact with the animals, from child crisis to disadvantaged youth to disabled children to inner-city kids. The Hillenbrands say, it’s a mutually beneficial arrangement, with both the children and the animals benefiting. They have put over one million dollars into the project, most of the money going toward veterinary care. It’s great to see someone putting his money toward making this world a better place, both for the animals and the children.