In the Lion’s Den

I got a call from fellow Zealot contributor and Sox fan Teddy Ballgame today.  He flew out to California to see the Sox-Angels playoff games.  As he put it, the Sox “might need my help out there”. After the outcome of the first game, those of us back here in Illinois informed him that from the perspective … Continue reading “In the Lion’s Den”

I got a call from fellow Zealot contributor and Sox fan Teddy Ballgame today.  He flew out to California to see the Sox-Angels playoff games.  As he put it, the Sox “might need my help out there”.

After the outcome of the first game, those of us back here in Illinois informed him that from the perspective of an Angels’ fan, the Sox don’t need any more help.

He’s staying at a hotel a mile or so from the park which translates to a $15 cab ride.  Irregardless, Teddy B says he’s having the time of his life.  The fans at the park are riding Umpire Doug Eddings pretty hard whenever they get a chance.  No surprise there.  Not one back down from a challenge, Teddy B says he went into his “Boo hoo” and “I heard they had good whine in California.” routine. 

I told him to be careful.  Not everyone has a sense a humor.


Tim McCarver- he IS that bad…

My friend DonS has always said he had no use for Tim McCarver as an announcer.  This was made evident during the 2005 All-Star Game, he said, when he made 3 gaffes in the space of the first 2 innings.  I must admit I never thought of it before.  But dang it, he’s right.  Just … Continue reading “Tim McCarver- he IS that bad…”

My friend DonS has always said he had no use for Tim McCarver as an announcer.  This was made evident during the 2005 All-Star Game, he said, when he made 3 gaffes in the space of the first 2 innings. 

I must admit I never thought of it before.  But dang it, he’s right.  Just tonight, his over-sentimentalization (if that’s a word), tendency to state the obvious, and inaccuracies (read: mistakes) are a bit much to take. 

Just tonight, Tim mentioned that Dave LaRoche hit a grand slam in the Houston-Atlanta game on Sunday.  A moment later, no doubt after someone whispered in his ear, he mentioned that no, Dave LaRoche was his father.  It was Adam LaRoche. 

Turns out that DonS isn’t alone.  Others don’t like McCarver either.  And some have web pages expressing their dislike.

Like who have an amusing list of McCarver gaffes he’s made in the last couple years.  You can submit your own if you care.


There’s also The I Hate Tim McCarver Home Page whose author has a quite a lengthy diatribe on why he hates McCarver.  It does include a funny drinking game if you are so disposed:

 ”The McCarver Drinking Game
Here’s how to play:
Get a bottle of your favorite booze and a shot glass and…
1: Drink every time Tim uses a multi-syllable word incorrectly.
2: Drink every time Tim states the obvious like it is a profound insight.
3: Drink every time Tim calls the play wrong.
4: Drink every time Tim gets a player’s name wrong.
5: Drink every time one of Tim’s inane comments is met with stoney silence by the other broadcasters in the booth.
My guarantee is you’ll be drunk by the bottom of the 1st inning! “


Is Tim McCarver that bad?  Not if the volume is on zero.





Lightning Strikes Twice

According to the Houston Chronicle, Shaun Dean has to feel pretty lucky.  He not only caught Lance Berkman’s grand slam in Houston’s clincher over Atlanta on Sunday but also caught the game-winning homer hit by Chris Burke in the 18th inning.  Dean has planned to give the balls back to Astros and most likely get … Continue reading “Lightning Strikes Twice”

According to the Houston Chronicle, Shaun Dean has to feel pretty lucky.  He not only caught Lance Berkman’s grand slam in Houston’s clincher over Atlanta on Sunday but also caught the game-winning homer hit by Chris Burke in the 18th inning. 


Dean has planned to give the balls back to Astros and most likely get cash and /or prizes in compensation.

Back Online

I’m back online after putting in a lot of extra hours at work last week.  So much so that I hardly had enough time to keep up with what was going on in the baseball world. So I was glad to see that the teams I’m rooting for are winning.  The Cards made easy work … Continue reading “Back Online”

I’m back online after putting in a lot of extra hours at work last week.  So much so that I hardly had enough time to keep up with what was going on in the baseball world.

So I was glad to see that the teams I’m rooting for are winning.  The Cards made easy work of the Padres.  The White Sox took care of the Red Sox.  And while I don’t particularly care for either the ‘Stros or the Braves, I’m happy to see Houston win.  

Now if only the Angels can defeat the Yankees.  At this point, it is 5-2 in the 6th. 


Linescore of the Day: Final Edition – Clint Barmes

Clint Barmes, Colorado Rockies 3 for 6, 2B, HR,  2 runs, 3 rbi How appropriate that the last LSOTD of the season is a rookie.  Barmes had a pretty decent year ending up at .289 with 10 homers. 

Clint Barmes, Colorado Rockies

3 for 6, 2B, HR,  2 runs, 3 rbi

How appropriate that the last LSOTD of the season is a rookie.  Barmes had a pretty decent year ending up at .289 with 10 homers.