MLB strikes out against US Supreme Court over stats

That MLB lost a court case is no small matter. 

The Supreme Court of the United States will not review MLB and the Player’s Union’s case that outside companies that use MLB stats will “exploit players’ identity for commercial gain”.  This is in reference to those entities who use MLB stats for fantasy leagues.

The companies which facilitate fantasy leagues are already licensed by MLB Advanced Media.  This court case will presumably open the market for others. 

From the Los Angeles Times:

The court’s refusal also throws into question any licensing deals already in place, something MLB had said amounted to “billions of dollars.” When MLB appealed to the high court in February, it argued that such deals could be jeopardized if companies had a free-speech right to use the names of famous people without permission.

For my part, I agree with the decision on principle, not just because I think MLB is trying to make a buck at every corner.  Stats are facts, news, info. Plus, MLB needs to realize the PR factor involved here.  For the piddly amount involved here (yes, I realize that Fantasy Baseball is a growing industry and not so piddly anymore), they need to realize how much Fantasy baseball increases the interest in Major League Baseball. 

I don’t just mean casual interest either.  Anyone with a fantasy team or a sim league team knows what I’m talking about.  How many of you religiously follow your players on a daily basis?

I’m raising my hand.

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