Beltre has this thing about head rubbing

itā€™s trueā€¦ Adrian Beltre reacts badly whenever anyone, even teammates, rubs his head.  Someone has even posted a collection of videos of him getting his noggin rubbed up and his rather upset reaction to it. 

Now heā€™s with the Rangers but it doesnā€™t look like his new teammates are too sensitive to his concerns.

Take Elvis Andrus, for example:

Oh yeah ā€¦ a bunch of times. He better get used to it. He might kick my tail, but Iā€™m going to do it.

What is it, March? Heā€™ll be in for a long year

My cat’s getting hopped up on her treats


I chuckled a bit when the wife brought these Feline ā€œGreeniesā€ treats home for our cat.  Whatever gets our cat through her day, I guess.

My first thought?  Pete Rose.

I ran this by a younger baseball fan (by younger, I mean someone born after the Ford Administration).  He gave me a blank stare.  Perhaps the more ā€œseasonedā€ baseball fans out there remember the significance of ā€œgreeniesā€ in baseball.

Oh yeah, drugs arenā€™t funny. 



Ugliest uniforms, really??

astrosuni  presents us with a slideshow of ā€œBaseballā€™s Ugliest Uniforms. Ever.ā€

I respectfully disagree on some of them.  Many include uniforms from the 1970s.  Those unis were bright, colorful and some would even say gaudy.  They reflected the times when people sought to differentiate themselves and saw no shame in it. 

Later, the late 90s and the 00s brought us the era of conformity and corporate standardization in term of uniforms.  Even the smallest change brings the loudest call of condemnation.  The other symptom of recent times is the constant change in uniforms or excuses to bring out a new line uniforms presumably to increase the bottom line for MLB. 

So yes, getting back to my original point, I do like the older 70s uniforms.  They may be gaudy from todayā€™s perspective but they hearken back to a day when I grew up with the game.

Besides, if you want to talk about ugly baseball uniforms, Iā€™m surprised didnā€™t have THESE on their list:


Sorry Sox fans but those WERE ugly.