MLB picked the wrong name for their anti-steroid project

MLB says it’s trying to fight the steroid issue by going to where young athletes are finding out about it… the Internet.

With help from the Partnership for a Drug-free America, the project will essentially artificially raise the Google ranking of an article which is slated to be entitled "The Truth About Steroids" which will link to a website produced by the PDFA.  In return for the high index ranking, Google will receive payment. The PDFA receives about $2 million in annual funding from major league baseball.

MLB may want to rethink that title name.  As of this writing, someone else seems to have the domain name and it definitely does NOT have the kind of message the MLB wants young athletes to see.

See for yourself while you can.

Looks like PDFA and/or MLB didn’t do their homework and didn’t Google their prospective title name.  For their sake, maybe it’s not too late.

9/22 Update:  News about MLB unveiling their anti-performance enhancing substance website

 You can find it here.

Keep partisan politics out of the Clemens case

The idea of politicians getting involved in the Roger Clemens matter just makes me shake my head and wonder.  Yet, sure enough, there are rumors that folks in Washington are coming to the Rocket’s aid. 

We had the same thing here at the University of Illinois when we had the nasty situation with the Chief.  When the Chief’s existence was being threatened, many state legislators took action.  Those misguided leaders, who apparently didn’t have enough to do with their tax-paid time and effort, made their lofty statements and attempted to pass resolutions to support the controversial mascot. 

Despite how you felt about the Chief, it’s obvious (to me at least) that not only was it inappropriate use of their position, it was a obvious ploy for votes. 

That all said, I ask all politicians to steer clear of the Clemens case.  Clemens’ connection to the Bush family and any endorsement or implied pardon just gets in the way of finding the truth. 

Oh, it goes both way too, Democrats… Clemens was almost booed by members of Congress yesterday, most likely Democrats. 

Please… just do your job and do it professionally.