Things I learned watching baseball tonight.

1. Dan Uggla hit his 20th homerun tonight. The Marlins have the chance to be the first NL team to have 3 rookies with 20+ homeruns. Josh Willingham has 19 and Mike Jacobs has 17. My question to you: What AL team did this? 2. Before today, the Arizona Diamondbacks ninth spot in the lineup … Continue reading “Things I learned watching baseball tonight.”

1. Dan Uggla hit his 20th homerun tonight. The Marlins have the chance to be the first NL team to have 3 rookies with 20+ homeruns. Josh Willingham has 19 and Mike Jacobs has 17.

My question to you: What AL team did this?

2. Before today, the Arizona Diamondbacks ninth spot in the lineup has only 2 rbis less than the number 4 spot.

Their cleanup hitters have hit a grand total of 8 homeruns this year.

Granted, the nine hole includes pinch hitters and position players on the rare occasion when the DH is in effect against AL teams.

But still.

3. Orlando Hudson leads the D-backs in rbis since the All-Star break.

6 thoughts on “Things I learned watching baseball tonight.”

  1. DonS, the 1967 BoSox were Jim Lonborg (sp?) & Triple Crown Carl Yaz. (My Chicago White Sox had a pretty good year either in 1967 or ’68, btw. Pete Ward, Tommie Agee, Joel Horlen, Gary Peters, Duane Josephson et al.)The Fred Lynn/Jim Rice era probably was closer to 1977.

    I’m tempted to guess some Yankee team here, maybe around the time Yogi came up?? Just thinking about teams that had a lot of power overall where rookies might be the beneficiaries of teams pitching around the veterans.

  2. The answer is the 1982 Minnesota Twins. With a few of my favorite players from that era.

    Kent Hrbek, 23 HR – consistently hit 20+ HR and 80+ rbi when that meant something.

    Gary Gaetti, 25 HR – as hard nosed as they come

    Tom Brunansky, 20 HR – I liked him because he was on my APBA team :)

    btw, I drafted Gaetti too.

  3. and speaking of Orlando Hudson…

    I’ve been catching my fair share of Dbacks games with mlb tv. man, O-dog is smooooth!

    he makes the most difficult plays look so simple..

    /glad he’s my APBA 2B :)

  4. Bob,

    You’re right.

    Fred Lynn and Jim Rice were rookies in 1975.

    Reggie Smith (the “Little Reggie” of his era) was a Red Sox rookie in the mid-1960’s.

    When you get to MY age, it all runs together.

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